分手專家網站Breakups are agonizing. For both the heartbreaker and the heartbroken, the let's-not-do-this-anymore conversation is always awkward and very often painful, particularly for the person getting 房屋貸款dumped. Bradley Laborman knows this because he has probably been through more breakups than anyone else. That's because he runs the website iDUMP4U, which lets users hire a relationship hit man — i.e., 烤肉食材Laborman — to do their dirty work for them. For $10, Laborman will make the breakup call, which he records for posterity — and for YouTube. That's right, customers can choose to broadcast these calls for 室內設計their entertainment (or revenge) value. Sound terrible? It kind of is. (See the top 10 celebrity-relationship flameouts.)But people do use the service. At $10 for a standard breakup, $25 for ending an engagement 酒店經紀and $50 for demanding a divorce, iDUMP4U isn't turning a profit yet, but Laborman says he was surprised at how quickly business picked up after he launched the site in September 2009. Originally starting it as 吳哥窟a joke, Laborman so far has conducted more than 200 breakups, for almost every reason imaginable, from cheating partners to lazy lovers. And if last year's requests are any indication, Laborman's numbers 591are about to get a boost. The phenomenon known as the Turkey Dump — in which college freshmen break up with their hometown loves over the Thanksgiving holiday — provided Laborman with a lot of extra business 辦公室出租last year. "Last year I had a lot of Turkey Dumps," he says. "I also had people who didn't want to buy a Christmas present [for their partner]. This time of year is the busiest." 現在人愛搞KUSO其實也是生活經驗 好房網LABORMAN的分手經驗特別多所以已凸發奇想不如想辦法未他人謀福吧! 他成立了一箇網站專門替人通知”分手” 10元是標準的分手 $25是解除婚約 50元世提出離婚目前還沒賺大錢但是感恩節到是有比以往多很多生意 例如有人想告訴他的父母住商房屋他不想買聖誕禮物給她們. Read more:,8599,2032684,00.html#ixzz16H2clsm2 

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