日本積極進軍中東食品市場   日本農林水產省(MAFF)2月21-24日,於杜拜國際會議展覽中心舉辦的2010年海灣食品展(Gulfood)中展示各式各樣的食品與創意料理。在2010年Gulfood展覽期間,還特別邀請到杜拜Al 信用卡代償Khaleej飯店Kisaku廳頗富盛名的日本Sadakazu China主廚,來為由日本四大食品廠商以當代與正統農漁產品等多樣化日本料理為號召的日本館助陣。日本政府不餘遺力地推廣日本料理全球化的野心更顯現在其積極參與舉酒店經紀辦2010年Gulfood的相關重要行動上。迅速擄獲人心的日本料理不只因為高營養價值,更因其獨特的異國風情與美味頗受年輕族群青睞。日本近年來出口阿拉伯聯合大公國(UAE)的食品產量快速成長;2009年出口UAE的日九份民宿本農漁產品超越2008年,大幅成長129%,產值高達4,364萬美元。 (摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News,NO.4/2010) MIDDLE EAST FOOD MARKET A TARGETJapanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 整合負債showcased a wide range of food productsand culinary innovations at the recent Gulfood 2010 which took place from 21-24 February, 2010 atthe Dubai International Convention and Exhibition 買屋Centre.The Japanese Pavilion at Gulfood 2010 exhibited a large range of Japanese cuisine from contemporaryand authentic agricultural and marine products featuring four leading Japanese food 當鋪companies.Demonstrations were also held during the exhibition with celebrity Japanese chef Sadakazu China ofKisaku Restaurant at Al Khaleej Hotel in Dubai. The government has been strongly 借貸promotingJapanese cuisine globally and Japan’s strong participation at Gulfood 2010 forms part of the majorinitiative. Japanese cuisine is fast becoming a favourite owing to their nutritive 商務中心value, exoticism anddeliciousness particularly among the younger generation.Export of Japanese food products to the UAE has been growing rapidly in recent years. In 2009, theexport of Japanese 土地買賣agricultural and marine products to UAE grew 129% over 2008 to reach ¥4.1billion (US$43.64 million).

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